Category Archives: MSNBC

Harry Reid’s #Koch-fueled Nightmares

No surprises here:

Harry Reid, Koch Addict -- Lisa Benson

Reid has been going after these two men for what seems like forever. Yet despite his obsession, over half the nation still has zero idea who they even are, and another 11% has no opinion about them. And according to that same poll, more Americans disapprove of Reid himself than of the Koch brothers. 

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Somehow, a “narrative” of scandal will be a problem in November for …Republicans?

Liberal Media Bias

Occasionally, you almost have to tip your hat to the utter shamelessness of the Left.


Recently, NY Republican Michael Rep. Michael Grimm was indicted for tax fraud, and while CNN wondered aloud if this would adversely affect the Repubs in the upcoming election, ABC’s headline said that the GOP was “stuck” with Grimm. Neither report was flattering, yet neither was all that awful, either.

However, appearing on MSNBC, the Washington Post‘s Dana Milbank took both lines of thinking somewhat …further:

“…But even beyond his seat, you now have the Congressman who’s out because he bought cocaine. Here in Washington, you’ve got the kissing Congressman. You’ve got this now. It begins to develop a sort of narrative that may make it trouble for some of his Republican colleagues

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According to MSNBC, Jesus would approve of #Obamacare…

MSNBC - fail

I don’t know what ticks me off more: folks who reflexively impugn people of faith, or folks who deliberately misunderstand/misquote/misrepresent what people have said.

It’s probably a tie.

Which brings me to a recent conversation between MSNBC’s Al Sharpton and political analyst Dr. Victoria DeFrancesco Soto:

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Because they’re “journalists”: MSNBC interrupts congressional interview for …Justin Bieber

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Most of us are aware of MSNBC’s well-publicized struggles with ratings. And for some insight as to why that continues to be the case, I humbly offer the following video clip:

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MSNBC’s Ed Schultz: “Republicans are afraid of me…”

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No, no, no: I’m not kidding! Seriously!!

He actually said that!

Here, watch. I’ll PROVE it:

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#ChrisChristie and #Bridgegate: ‘Morning Joe’ (amazingly) gets it right…

Morning Joe

I watch MSNBC occasionally for the same reason I watch or read anything: I want to know what people think, sometimes especially those folks with whom I disagree. And Lord knows that I often disagree with, and have been critical of, the MSNBC folks in the past.

In my defense, when your channel features such luminaries as Melissa Harris-Perry, Ed Shultz, Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews and Al Sharpton every day, merely being “critical” should be viewed as remarkable self-restraint.

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Unreal: MSNBC’s Chris Matthews is suddenly appalled by “hyperbolic” language

111 Chris MatthewsI swear, these people have no pride.

It was a mere two days ago that we detailed the completely over-the-top comparison by Mr. Matthews of conservative pundits and the GOP to Kim Jong-un’s execution of his own uncle. Before that, Chris echoed and a cheered a similar comparison of pre-Obama United States to Apartheid-era South Africa (made by fellow MSNBC-er Al Sharpton).

And yet, he now comes on his nightly show, and decries…hyperbole?

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The Cult of Obama is here…

MSNBC has officially entered a new level of adulation and fan worship in the Age Of Obama, and my only hope is that it isn’t contagious.

To be sure, they’ve always been willing to say anything, make any kind of ridiculous comparison or analogy, in order to justify their worldview. And their snide self-righteousness has always made it that much more stomach-churning.

That’s why they’re significantly worse than an actual State Run Media, since they do all of it without being told.

They’re cultists, posing as journalists, acting as government mouthpieces.

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But this is a new level, an entirely new pinnacle, even for them.

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