Category Archives: energy

But I was repeatedly told by the Left that this was Un-possible………..??


I’m so old, I remember when the Left informed us, ad nauseam, that we HAD to exclusively turn to Wind, Solar, and Hamster Turds for our power…..,  because we’d discovered all of the oil and gas we were ever gonna find.

It was framed as “common sense“, and “accepted wisdom”, and “science”.

…Especially “science“.

Remember that?

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Freedom-sapping Regulations and Diktats are just the Govt’s way of “Encouraging” us

The word-of-the-day is courtesy of

DISINGENUOUS –  lacking in candor; also : giving a false appearance of simple frankness : calculating.

And with that definition firmly ensconced in your brain, let’s get to a recent quote from our President which has (mysteriously, I know) managed to elude 98% of the Main Stream Media yet again:

obama keystone xl( – President Obama on Friday confronted critics who have opposed his administration’s regulatory efforts to get Americans to use less energy.

In some cases we’ve actually been criticized that it’s a socialist plot that’s restricting your freedom for us to encourage energy-efficient light bulbs, for example,” he said at a town hall event in Binghamton, N.Y.

I never understood that but you hear those arguments,” he added.

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Chutzpah: Obama now says there’s ‘No Evidence’ #KeystoneXL Would Create Many Jobs

Obama DOE 13This news item got a bit lost over the weekend, which may have been by intent. However, this excerpt shows you just how deeply indebted (or how like-minded) President Obama is to the radical “Green” lobby in the United States.


In a New York Times interview published Saturday, President Obama came out foursquare against the Keystone XL pipeline, claiming that it would not create jobs. “Republicans have said that this would be a big jobs generator,” Obama said. “There is no evidence that that’s true.”

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If Obama TRULY wants to improve our #Economy, here’s what to do: “Get Out Of Its Way…”

Well I certainly feel more confident now, knowing that the President is finally clearing his busy golf-&-vacation schedule in order to once again “focus like a laser” on the economy.

Obama bite his lip

“See? When I bite my lip and squint reeeeaaal hard, it makes it LOOK like I’m focusing….”


President Obama will deliver the first in a series of economic speeches Wednesday aimed at gaining the upper hand in this fall’s looming budget showdown with Congress.

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Let’s BUILD the #KeystoneXL Pipeline, and PROTECT the Environment!

tree hugger 3I just realized something: I think I’m an “environmentalist”.

No, I haven’t suddenly started to wander around in leather sandals and a hemp shirt (at least, not yet). But based on a recent news report, I’m fairly certain that I’m more concerned about the welfare of the environment than the folks we usually see purported to be ‘saving the planet’.

Here, I’ll prove it.


A few days ago near the Quebec town of Lac-Mégantic, a runaway train exploded. The train was loaded with crude oil from North Dakota, and the gigantic explosion is estimated to have killed at least 50 people

train explosion canada 4

But a larger point was missing from most of the headlines on this tragedy, namely: why was the oil being transported by train in the first place?

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NEXT year’s Super Bowl…

The Incandescent Light Bulb ban, …and the ACTUAL Dim Bulbs behind the whole mess

I went to the store last weekend to buy some replacement 100-watt light bulbs….and I couldn’t find any.

Now, they had puh-lenty of bulbs: the squiggly, wiggly ones, along with several other shapes I’d never seen before. Plus, they also had a modest section of the normal incandescent 60- and 75-watt bulbs, but no 100’s.

And then I recalled, again, the Great Light Bulb Debacle®.


If you need a refresher on this subject, or if you’d just appreciate a fresh excuse to grind some of the enamel off your teeth, here you go (h/t the Washington Times):

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Too many Government Regulations? Heck, you ain’t seen NOTHIN’ yet…!

Far, far too many Federal regulations are strangling our economy, yet there appears to be no end in sight.

What makes this burdensome, crushing over-regulation even worse, however, is the near-pathological lying about it by the current Administration.

The most recent (and possibly the most egregious) example of this is detailed below.


It’s no secret that in the last 20 years, EVERY President has presided over an ever-increasing array of federal regulations.  Some are fairly innocuous, while others have a MAJOR impact on the economy, businesses, and ultimately, US, as citizens.

In early 2011, President Obama signed Executive Order 13563, ‘Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review‘, which basically directed the heads of Executive Agencies to “identify and consider regulatory approaches that reduce burdens”.  It was a cornerstone piece of his 2011 State of the Union address.

Over the year that followed, however, the administration enacted at least 32 new MAJOR regulations.  “Major” is defined as having a projected cost to the economy of at least $100 million dollars……EACH.

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