About this blog…

This blog is the joint effort of a brother and sister who both enjoy writing and expressing their passionate opinions.  Our styles (and our subject matter) are – at times – quite different, although we find ourselves meeting in the middle fairly often. We encourage you to engage in our daily writings: eavesdropping, commenting, and sharing with your own sphere of influence.

Although JTR generally writes political commentary from a strong conservative viewpoint, while GBL typically writes life observations with a biblical world view, we both will occasionally stray out of our respective comfort zones.

Thanks for visiting, and we hope you come back soon!

godsbooklover & justturnright

July 2012 P.S.  Our wonderful masthead caricatures are courtesy of Michael Wilhelm, an artist, children’s novelist, playwright and actor in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  You can find his children’s book series starring “Skunk-Guy” on his website.

25 responses to “About this blog…

  1. Just a short comment to congratulate you on your blog and much of the information you have blogged. You mix the serious with the humorous and it becomes refreshing. Keep up the good work. Gene

    • Hey, Gene!
      On behalf of the two of us (& I just got off the phone w/ GBL), thank you so much for the kind words. They are truly appreciated.

      And we thank YOU for your readership, Tweets, etc.,. We’ll continue to do our best to make “Two Heads…” worthy of the time you spend with us.

      All the best.

  2. Good blog. I can appreciate (enjoy) the efforts.

  3. Pingback: Two Heads’ 2012 in review | Two Heads are Better Than One

  4. Thanks for visiting — and following — my humble blog. After reviewing a couple of your entries, I am also happy to have the opportunity to follow your blog, as well.

    • My sincere apologies for missing your comment here until now, illero…

      Thanks so much for joining in the fun these past few months; we appreciate your presence (and comments) tremendously!

  5. Fantastic blog… I look forward to following you (both!) 😀 God bless you and yours!

  6. I’m so glad you replied, because yesterday when I clicked follow, it did not register and I had no idea! I got you guys in my reader now though 😀

    • And there, as my brother would say, is the proof that our policy of replying to every comment is a good one! Glad you found us (again)!!

      • I second that!

        Thanks so much for being here, Teach! Hope to see you often, and please don’t hesitate to comment.

        Oh, BTW: based on your blog bio, I share your music preference, in spades.
        So anytime you have a question/ comment/ link re the 80s, be SURE to share!


        • I look forward to being here… have read many of the articles and think I’ll be right at home. OH yes, the 80’s ROCKED 😀 thanks again bro and sis team!

  7. I’m not sure where else to ask this question, so I’ll just ask it here. Do you accept guest blog posts? I ask because I have a great idea for a post that wouldn’t fit on any of my blogs. The title is “The Only Causes Worth Fighting for,” which is a reference to the famous speech from Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. It’s about how it can seem impossible to stem the tide of public opinion choosing blatantly wrong things in so many areas, but I trust that good will win in the end.

    Feel free to email me so we can talk more about it, if you’re interested: robertlo9 (at) hotmail.com. Thanks! I wouldn’t expect this to be anything more than a one-time thing. I just think it would be great to share on your awesome site. 🙂

  8. Thank you for following Malcolm’s Corner and liking ‘Removing the Velvet Glove’.

  9. Hey JTR, thought you’d get a kick out of this. I thought it was serious at first, because, well…you know….EVERYTHING these days is the fault of AGW. But then I started to read and couldn’t stop chuckling.


  10. Super blog. Overwhelming, actually. Nicest work!

    • You’re exceedingly kind, Jim.

      I’ve just added you to my (far too large, actually) group of blogs I try to read each week. However, I WILL be adding your blog to our Blogroll.
      You seem to be doing thing’s the right way over at your place, too. Nicely put together, sir…

      If we can be of assistance, just yell. And if there’s ever a time where you need to “borrow” something here, that’s fine by us.

      Hope to see you soon; all the best,

  11. Love the blog and look forward to reading more. Love the mix of serious and funny, you do both well.

    • Thanks so much, James, and we hope you stop by often!!

      If I may, I’d like to add your site to our blogroll, as well. Just spent a few minutes at your place, and would be proud to include you here.
      ***And if you’re on Twitter, let me know so I can add you there, as well…

  12. Happy New Year my friends at Two Heads are Better Than One! You’ve been nominated for the Sunshine Award! I appreciate you all!

    I have nominated ten fellow bloggers “who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere.”

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