Category Archives: union

A lesson in Labor: “Superman Joins A Union” (via @SCrowder)

For many of us, Labor Day signals the unofficial end to summer, while for others it’s just another 3-day weekend. But its history is an acknowledgement and celebration of our working men and women in the United States.

And yet the holiday is often portrayed as specifically for Labor Unions, which really doesn’t make sense nowadays, if it ever did. Back in the 1950’s (when over a third of the nation’s workers were unionized) it was at least arguable. But now? That number has dwindled to roughly only 12% of all workers, …and falling. And if we take out Public Sector unions, it drops to around 6%.

A variety of reasons have contributed to this, but the primary culprit is inescapable: Union Leadership itself.

Crowder - Union - Superman 6

And to illustrate what I mean (or just for its sheer entertainment value), please take a moment to enjoy the following clip from one of our favorite guys, Steven Crowder.


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DETROIT: the Movie

Courtesy of Steve Breen:

detroit - thelma and louise

How the NHL managed to screw-up one of the ONLY good ideas they’ve had recently…

As a public service, I thought I’d remind everyone what we SHOULD have seen on New Year’s Day:

The NHL Winter Classic.


And now let’s discuss WHY we won’t get to enjoy one of our best, and most unique, sporting events in 2013.

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New, unedited video of Unions’ assault on Steven Crowder. Will we see this on the Nightly Newscasts NOW?

Remember the “Peaceful Unions” who demonstrated their peace-loving peacefulness up in Michigan by cracking a political opponent in the face?


Do you also recall NOT seeing this reported on the Nightly News?

Well, that’s ’cause the Media had to come up with some reason to not air it, since it made their side (Liberal Democrat cronies, aka Unions) look bad.

Ed over at Hotair says it perfectly:

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Unions doing what Unions do… (video)

If you aren’t a regular visitor here and thus don’t already know my opinion of most Unions, it’s pretty simple: I don’t like ’em. Of course, even if you aren’t predisposed against the modern-day Labor movement, this year’s shenanigans up in Wisconsin should have brought you up to speed.

So, when I heard about a Union “confrontation” during a protest in Michigan and its becoming a Right-to-work state (courtesy of PJTV’s Steven Crowder), I already had a pretty good idea of just what it’d look like.

*Caution*: video has language that is definitely NSFW. It’s been ‘bleeped’ out, but, well, you know…

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A REBUTTAL to the recent CA-Teacher-Union / Social-Justice / Tax-the-Rich / “We-are-the-99%” video…

Courtesy of Bret over at T.B Rickert’s Call blog, we now have a video rebuttal to yesterday’s disgusting California Teacher’s Union video.

BUT, if you haven’t yet seen the ORIGINAL, please go to yesterday’s post and check it out now. It’s mandatory for everyone to know exactly what we’re up against…


Watched it? Still a little numb? Can’t believe they’d show that to kids, right? Do me a favor: just keep that in mind next time I warn you about the Teachers Unions, okay?

Anyway, here’s the video rebuttal, which is pretty decent.

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(UPDATED) — Non-Union Utility workers “turned away” in New Jersey?!? (…And why THIS story is indicative of a much BIGGER issue)

****UPDATE #3 –  As of  2:45 pm (Eastern) 11/4/12, this story continues to unfold.

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Hope, ….and Change.

With the Wisconsin recall election now firmly in our rearview mirror, it’s time to assess where we’re heading and the other realities impacting our country.

Let a friend of the blog, Bill Whittle, help make sense of recent events and the lessons learned.