Category Archives: Economy

Economic Patriotism…?

Burger King - Tim Hortons

This whole ridiculous furor over Burger King (or ANY company which is merely trying to survive right now) is a classic example of ignoring the message and “shooting the messenger”….

A Heapin' Plate of Conservative Politics & Religion

By Tom Quiner


The Obama years have produced a whole new dynamic when it comes to the way we view the economy.

Team Obama sees two economies that compete with each other: the public economy vs. the private economy.

The public economy, which is funded by taxpayers, has historically been viewed as the servant of the private economy. No longer.

The president makes it clear to entrepreneurs, innovators, and small business owners that they “did not build” their businesses or invent their inventions by themselves. They need to give equal credit to the public economy.

The patent office deserves just as much credit as Edison for inventing the light bulb, goes the thinking.

As Mr. Obama tends to do, he pits groups against each other, in this case, the producers against the bureaucrats. He makes it clear his desire to redistribute resources from those who earned it in the private…

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Attention Fast Food workers: you are ALREADY obsolete

***UPDATE – September 5th, 2014:  Since the Fast Food Workers of the nation are once again agitating for an artificially higher wage than what the market dictates, it seems that they need yet another reminder of exactly how essential their “profession” truly is… ***


mcdonalds_logo 5555They never learn.

(via the Chicago Tribune) – “…A few hundred fast food workers in Chicago on Wednesday voted to join a national one-day strike against their employers on May 15.  Strikes are planned for 150 cities, including New York City.  —  The workers say they want $15 per hour wages and to form a union that would bargain over benefits and wages on their behalf. Fast food workers in Chicago make about $8.25 per hour, the state’s minimum wage…”

Now, many of us have spent some amount of time employed in a Wendy’s, McDonald’s or a Burger King, commonly back when we were in our teens: the hours are flexible, and the level of mental effort required is minimal (at best). Entry level employment in this industry is usually considered to be a stepping stone on to greater things, whether that means a management position within the fast food chain, or a different job altogether.

So with all that in mind, any Fast Food folks who think striking is their Key To Success…may wish to rethink that strategy.

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Obama, on his proposed Minimum Wage Law: “You’re welcome…”

A follow-up to our discussion on this from the other day

Minimum Wage - youre welcome

(courtesy of the always fantastic Lisa Benson)

And I would add only one explicit corollary to this:

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All I want for #Christmas is: “An End to Quantitative Easing”

We’ve linked to ReasonTV’s Remy before: he’s original, he’s funny, and he’s right.

And with his latest entry (at the bottom), he has really outdone himself.

Remy Christmas

But before we get to the video, let’s briefly discuss his subject matter. I’m all too aware that as soon as most folks hear the words “Quantitative Easing”, their eyelids start to flutter. Yeah, I’m with you. But our nation’s fiscal policy is a GIGANTIC part of what allows us to actually enjoy our freedom, and right now it’s a ticking time-bomb.

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More “Unintended Consequences” of #Obamacare, revisited…

In our culture today, especially with Washington partisans trying to spin facts into opinions and opinions into falsehoods, I believe more than ever that we need to strongly remind everyone when we’re right about something. 

Admittedly, we’re usually right about stuff here, but sometimes we’re even more right than normal. 

Case in point: Obamacare. We’ve been doing our best Howard Beale impression when discussing it, forever. Yet even with the entire Tea Party and more than a few GOP members on our side, we were ignored. 

i-told-you-so 8998

Which is why I’m attaching a post I wrote waaaay back at the start of this year. You can decide for yourself if, in light of recent events, it was accurate or not. 


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FLASHBACK: the President vows that #Obamacare will be “Deficit Neutral”

How many lies did the president tell in getting Obamacare passed?

As numerous as the stars in the sky…

From ABC News back in November, 2009:

OBAMA: “And I promise you. We’re already starting to look at the fiscal year 2011 budget and the out years, and although we are in the midst of a recession, and we inherited a big structural deficit, no one’s more mindful than me of the fact that we can’t have a bill that simply blows up an additional entitlement that’s not paid for.”

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Post-shutdown, it’s on: the #TeaParty vs. the GOP

Choices 444

So, …what now?

Yes, the Government Shutdown is over, and the Federal Leviathan is lurching forward once again. Of course, this is cause for wild celebration among the Left, even as they continue to blithely impugn the motives of their political opponents.

But the problems that brought this confrontation about are still here: rising debt (thus the necessity of raising the Debt Ceiling yet again), grossly expanding government, and ever-reducing freedoms. A weakening dollar, burgeoning entitlements and continued unemployment. Full-time jobs being replaced by part-time ones, and the advent of the “glitch”-riddled Obamacare.

All this and more was (and remains) the reason so many are insisting we need to change our ways, or perish.

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“There’s no more cuts to make…” is THE Biggest Lie regarding the #GovernmentShutdown:

Remember this?

Yes, my personal nomination for this year’s Most Ridiculous Statement by a Government Representative Award goes to (not surprisingly, I admit) Nancy Pelosi, with her insistence that “the cupboard is bare” and that there are “…no more cuts to make…” in our Federal expenditures.

Nancy Pelosi - 9393No more cuts, Nancy?


Out of an almost $3.5 TRILLION budget?

There’s nothing we could somehow do without, buried in there somewhere?

This inane proclamation gets to the heart of our current Government Shutdown. Pelosi, Obama and the Democrats want need every last shekel to fund their ever-expanding list of overpriced-crap-they-gotta-have-now-now-now. It’s POWER, you see, and it takes money to maintain/expand a State’s power.

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