Category Archives: Obama

FLASHBACK: Wasn’t #Obamacare gonna make Healthcare costs go DOWN by 3000%??

Obamacare Snake Oil

Lost among current concerns over the White House’s foreign policy “successes” is an issue much closer to home: the Affordable Care Act and its deleterious effect on our healthcare system, our economy and our nation’s psyche.

Maybe it’s just me, but I’m not seeing the term “Obamacare” used as much as I once did. Of course, that’s likely due to journalists’ desire to shield Obamacare’s namesake from news like this, from Investors Business Daily:

“…Forty-six percent of Americans now describe health costs as ahardship,” up from 36% in 2013…” 

A “hardship”, you say? Almost HALF of the country?

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Lies about Illegal Immigration, #HobbyLobby, Guns, and… well, pretty much everything


“…Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies…” 

(–Fleetwood Mac; 1987) 

There has been a recent spate of news this week, and without exception the Statist Left is lying about it.

Completely. Every last stitch of it.

Let’s first consider our president’s recent statements on both illegal immigration and the recent Hobby Lobby ruling. In each case he insists that he’s being ‘compelled’ to act. With Hobby Lobby, it was the Supreme Court’s action which supposedly requires his Executive response. Yet in the case of immigration, he’s supposedly being “forced” into tyrannical, extra-Constitutional motion because of Congress’s inaction.

See how that works? Do something, or do nothing at all; both will elicit the same response from the Left. Just as ‘all roads lead to Rome’, anything that happens (or doesn’t) can be argued BY the State as requiring a response FROM the State. It’s literally an answer in search of a question, and any question will do.

In other words: it’s a lie

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Why I’m buying Ben Shapiro’s new book, ‘The People Vs. Barack Obama’…

The People vs the Obama Admin

Ben Shapiro is currently making the rounds as he promotes his new book, “The People Vs. Barack Obama: The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration“. Having already read (and enjoyed) his last two books, I’m inclined to not only buy this one too, but suggest you grab it, as well.

Why? Because he’s unusually bright, he’s entertaining, …and he’s right most of the time.

Shapiro has been awfully busy since we covered his complete and utter evisceration of Piers Morgan on CNN last year. He’s launched the website for in October of 2013 with David Horowitz, and successfully drafted some top-tier talent over there, as well. And he did all this while carrying-out his duties as Editor-At-Large of

Personally, in addition to reading his last couple of books, I’ve heard him (thanks to podcasting) fill-in for Jerry Doyle on Doyle’s radio show, be interviewed by Hugh Hewitt, and seen him appear on various cable news shows. In every case, Ben’s solid: often funny, always informed, and lightning quick. What comes across most clearly in these settings is just how thoroughly he’s chased-down his own ideology, and it’s why I’m highlighting a couple of examples below.

This first clip is quite recent, and has Shapiro commenting on (what else?) the Obama Administration and its chronic criminality:

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The #IRS, Lois Lerner, and exactly how much IS a “smidgen of corruption”, anyway?


The IRS is lying.

Lerner and Company obviously figure that if they just keep the lies going, they’ll outlast Congress and any potential media scrutiny. Can’t fault them for the strategy, as it’s certainly worked out fine for them with EVERY OTHER SCANDAL so far…

But make sure you aren’t fooled by their denials, not even for an instant. From ex-CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson:

“…These emails are not stored on a signal server or a single computer, so if there were a crash of a hard drive or some sort of system failure, they would still be retrievable. According to [John] Koskinen, the IRS Commissioner at the time, he told Congress that emails were stored offsite. That jives with people who said emails were backed up daily. There is a responsibility on the part of government officials to retain the data, make sure that is and can’t be lost in the system. If it’s true that the emails are lost, that’s quite a story in itself…” 

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“People with Something to Hide”: the #IRS and Lois Lerner

Hey, remember this?

Yes indeed: words spoken by none other than Barack Obama himself. Of course, that was back in 2010 when he was discussing Campaign Finance Reform, a concern which almost sounds quaint in comparison to the Scandal carousel this White House has since become.

Just the same, keep that quote in mind as you watch the following about our ol’ buddy, Lois “I-have-nothing-to-hide-so-I’m-Pleading-the-Fifth” Lerner from the IRS:

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Of course: Somehow, GOP is to blame for “Wrongheaded” and “Cynical” distrust of Government…

Can you trust Obama Superman

Obviously, it’s not as if the President and the Democrat-led Senate could ever be to blame:

(via The Hill; May 13, 2013) – “…What’s blocking us right now is a sort of hyper-partisanship in Washington that I was, frankly, hoping to overcome in 2008, and in the midst of crisis rather than saying now’s the time for us to come together, decided to take another path,” Obama said. “My thinking was when we beat them in 2012 that might break the fever, and it’s not quite broken yet.”

“I genuinely believe there are Republicans out there who would like to work with us but they’re fearful of their base and they’re concerned about what Rush Limbaugh might say about them,” Obama said. “And as a consequence we get the kind of gridlock that makes people cynical about government…”

Ah-ha!! So, it was “gridlock” (which was mysteriously created by the combined efforts of the Republican base and Rush Limbaugh) which was/is responsible for Americans becoming increasingly “cynical about government”. Sure. That, like, makes total sense, …right?


Okay, so it doesn’t. Which is precisely why barely a year later, the President realized that he needed to remind us all (again) what silly little ninny-heads we seem to be:

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OUT: the “Rule Of Law” — IN: the “It-All-Depends-On-How-Obama-Feels-That-Day” of Law

Or put another way: the Rule of ‘Whim.

obama-winking 333

In light of the recent prisoner-swap of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, we need to once again discuss our President’s apparent disdain for the Constitution and its laws, which undergird our nation. Because to Barack, Rules and Laws are little more than speed-bumps.

Ever since his inauguration in 2009, Obama’s tenure has been one long game of ‘Can-You-Top-This?’ played at (and with) our nation’s capital. Just consider:

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Hey, you know who’s REALLY to blame for this #VAScandal, don’t you? Don’t you?!?

At this point, the Democrats have transformed the Koch Brothers into some devilish amalgamation of Emmanuel GoldsteinKeyser Söze, and Godzilla.

Which is handy, actually, since they can now be blamed for anything everything.

Han Solo - carbonite - Koch brothers

Why do I mention this? Well, as you’ve no doubt heard by now, VA Secretary Shinseki has (finally) resigned his post. The only surprise about this “entirely political soap opera”  is that the resignation/firing/whatever didn’t happen already (via @Doc_0):

“…Contrary to Obama’s pitiful spin attempts, there is no question that these awful deeds took place at VA clinics.  Reports about those doctored wait lists have been in the hands of top officials since last year.

Endangered Democrats in purple and red states only started yelling for Shinseki’s scalp when they performed a political calculation and realized the public was now fully engaged and furious…” 

It’s a horrifying situation highlighting just some of the built-in (and entirely predictable) problems with government-run healthcare. Whether Shinseki was complicit with the problem, or utterly ignorant of it, doesn’t really matter. One is just as bad as the other if you’re the one in charge. Either way, he had to go.

But don’t tell that to Bernie Sanders. No, no, no, he’s got the REAL culprit in all of this nailed dead-to-rights:

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