Monthly Archives: January 2015

To Our Former Readers…

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Prolonged silence on a blog connotes life change–positive or disastrous–or simply loss of interest in maintaining a presence.  I (GBL) implied, in my last couple of posts, and further explained in comments, that my husband and I were in the midst of crisis. My brother, JTR, happened to experience a huge (and wonderful) job change at around the same time.

Just to update you:  our granddaughter, about whom I have written several times, is back with us. There are still tensions and uncertainties, about which I cannot write here. If you are a pray-er, we would appreciate prayers. But we are overjoyed to have our girl back where she belongs.

Meanwhile, JTR is busily loving his job and his wife and his sons…and not in that particular order, I’m sure!  Will we ever get back to this blog? I honestly don’t know. But we wanted to at least say, “Hi! Happy New Year! We’re not dead.”

For what it’s worth!

How have YOU all been?