Tag Archives: racism

Everything, …Every. Damn. Thing…, is now Racist


When I read the following headline, I was torn between laughing and crying:

The University of Utah may change Fight Song after Complaints that lyrics are Racist

From the article, it’s apparent that the college is indeed considering this:

Professor Joanna Yaffe said she sees not only sexism in the song but also racism — explaining that a line which states that the school’s “coeds are the fairestcould be interpreted as a reference to skin color.

“I don’t think I’m being hyper-PC, I’m just thinking about not really being included in the song,” Yaffe, an adjunct professor of psychiatry, said in an interview with The Salt Lake Tribune.

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PJTV’s AlfonZo Rachel vs. Alvin “The Ragin’ Racist” Holmes

PJTV-twitterA follow-up of sorts to an earlier post detailing the alarmingly racist outburst from Alabama Representative Alvin Holmes (“Racism: the Left’s Favorite Card to Play“)

So sit back and let PJTV’s AlfonZo Rachel put some truth to ya’, as only he can. But before you watch Zo’s video below, first ask yourself one question: How much have you seen, or heard, about Holmes’s diatribe in the national media?”

Then ask yourself why:

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“Racism”: the Left’s favorite (and often ONLY) card to play


We’ve all observed the wide-ranging scope of issues which have been termed “racist” by the Left before, and yet they never seem to adjust their playbook. 

Most recently this was evident in the hue and cry over Obama’s pick for head of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, Debo Adegbile. That he was defeated with the help of seven Democrats made it only slightly problematic for the race peddlers:

(via Investor’s Business Daily) – In a stinging political defeat and a sign even Democrats are getting fed up with the White House’s in-your-face radicalism, the Senate has rejected Obama’s controversial nominee for civil rights chief.

Maureen Faulkner ended up visiting individually with key Democrats before the vote to plead with them to honor her slain husband, Philly cop Daniel Faulkner, and not reward Adegbile for what she termed the “revolting” work he did on behalf of his killer — Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal.

The appeals worked. Several Democrats switched sides, including Sens. Chris Coons, D-Del.; Bob Casey, D-Pa.; Mark Pryor, D-Ark.; Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D.; Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.; Joe Donnelly, D-Ind.; and John Walsh, D-Mont.

Yep, Adegbile didn’t get approved and Reid’s own party made it happen. No matter. We were still instructed that this was the work of the Left’s most closely held shibboleth, “Republican Racism!!”:

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#NAACP: we support everyone’s right to their own opinion, …as long as it agrees with ours


I wrote the following almost a year ago:

“…The party of inclusion, of diversity, of recognizing and respecting differences…  consistently holds up as holy writ that if you do not accept your ‘appropriate’, preassigned belief of the liberal Democrat hive-mind, then you are no longer deserving to be recognized or respected for your differences.

By Refusing to be the Same, you are no longer considered Diverse…” 

And God Bless ’em if they don’t keep on proving me right.

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The Corruption of #MLK’s Dream…

We originally posted this last summer, but on the national holiday named for Dr. King, it seems to still be pertinent today.
…Depressingly so, actually. 



MLK in hoodie 4When the Photoshopped image of Martin Luther King in a Trayvon-esque hoodie started to make the rounds on Twitter and other social media the other day, I was appalled.

But it got me to thinking…

If we were to somehow reanimate MLK from some futuristic Cryo-chamber and let him wander the country again, I have a feeling he’d be extremely disheartened by what he saw. First of all, I highly doubt that he would endorse his visage in the hoodie, an impression shared by his niece, Alveda King.

Secondly, Dr. King might sorely be tempted to conclude (in direct contrast to his oft-repeated dream) that racism today was to blame for seemingly every failing of our proud nation. 

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The Word Police, and the Rights of the “Offended”

offended signIf you know your neighbor doesn’t recycle every last shred of cardboard and metal, does that offend you?

How about if they have a bunch of Green Peace stickers on their VW?

Offended yet?

What if your boss is an outspoken evangelical Christian, or if your uncle believes the Earth is heating-up faster than a microwavable Pizza Pocket®? If your local high school’s nickname was the “Indians”, the “Braves”, the “Chiefs” or (gasp) the “Redskins”, …would that offend you?

If you find any of these examples to be offensive, have no fear: we each have the Constitutional RIGHT to be offended.

What we don’t have is a Constitutional right to force those people to shut-up or cease their behavior simply BECAUSE we’re offended.

But the rise of Political Correctness, coupled with various lawsuits and speech codes, has effectively created a veritable Word Police in our society. And everything said or done is apparently fair game for them to find a potential “offense”.

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School bus attack: I wonder if THESE 3 boys would look like Obama’s sons, too?

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This is NOT to say that there was anything racial about this 3-on-1, black-on-white attack. The investigation thus far shows that it was at least partially drug-related. 

But we must consider that there wasn’t anything racial about the Trayvon/Zimmerman incident, either, …until NBC News deliberately edited their tape to make it appear racially motivated.

And, of course, until President “If I Had A Son, He’d Look Like Trayvon” decided to pipe up.

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This just in: Common Sense is NOT “#Racism”…

Amazingly, they’re still at it.

As you’re no doubt aware, the current cause célèbre of the Race Industry (aka: “Big Racism”) is the alleged “racial profiling” of Trayvon Martin, even though the trial proved that no such racial profiling existed in that case. Regardless, this has been discussed endlessly by both CNN and the MSNBC gang, the aforementioned Race Hustlers, and of course the President himself.

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But profiling (racial and otherwise) happens every day, to everyone. We ALL do it to one extent or another. Please consider a couple of examples to which I believe we can all relate….

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