Category Archives: tolerance

This just in: Common Sense is NOT “#Racism”…

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***NOTE*** – We originally published this back a couple years ago, but the topic is (unfortunately) just as relevant as ever. Case in point: the professional race-baiters who fanned the flames of Ferguson & Baltimore, the newer #BlackLivesMatter agitators, the recent ginning-up of the Black Church Arson Hoax, and countless other incidents.

EACH was driven by those seeking to make things worse, rather than better, rendering actual DISCUSSION about race all but impossible.

Anyone would acknowledge that there are still a few despicable racists out there (e.g. Dylann Roof). But monsters like Roof are now the most extreme & infinitesimal fringe, the overwhelming exception to the 99.9999999% rule, with the outcry against them being both visceral and universal. Despite proclamations to the contrary, race is no longer a major detriment to one’s potential for success in America. Quite the opposite, as the recent (and hysterical) example of Dolezal, Rachel can attest. 

But our good ‘ol neighborhood Race Peddlers & Grievance Hustlers ain’t gonna fold up their tents just yet. Because the very topic which they so publicly rail against is the same one which has bestowed upon them ALL of their power, …and they won’t be giving it up anytime soon.



(*ORIGINAL POSTING: July 24, 2013)

Amazingly, they’re still at it.

As you’re no doubt aware, the current cause célèbre of the Race Industry (aka: “Big Racism”) is the alleged “racial profiling” of Trayvon Martin, even though the trial proved that no such racial profiling existed in that case. Regardless, this has been discussed endlessly by both CNN and the MSNBC gang, the aforementioned Race Hustlers, and of course the President himself.

But profiling (racial and otherwise) happens every day, to everyone. We ALL do it to one extent or another. Please consider a couple of examples to which I believe we can all relate….

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OLD: “#BanBossy” — NEW: “Ban EVERY Word We Don’t Like”

Ban Bossy

In comparison, “Ban Bossy” looks positively restrained.

It was only a couple days ago that I wrote the following about the #BanBossy crowd:

“…we have the smarty-pantsers on the Left trying to remove another word from the English language, as they are wont to do. But words aren’t inherently cruel and a free society has no business banning ANY words. If you ban one word, people will simply substitute some OTHER word to convey that same meaning. Guaranteed.

Worth noting is it seems to be the allegedly free-speech-loving Progressives who are always enamored with the removal or banning of words. Our institutes of higher learning seem especially smitten with this idea…”

And in light of this newest example, my observation can only be termed disturbingly prescient:

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The Word Police, and the Rights of the “Offended”

offended signIf you know your neighbor doesn’t recycle every last shred of cardboard and metal, does that offend you?

How about if they have a bunch of Green Peace stickers on their VW?

Offended yet?

What if your boss is an outspoken evangelical Christian, or if your uncle believes the Earth is heating-up faster than a microwavable Pizza Pocket®? If your local high school’s nickname was the “Indians”, the “Braves”, the “Chiefs” or (gasp) the “Redskins”, …would that offend you?

If you find any of these examples to be offensive, have no fear: we each have the Constitutional RIGHT to be offended.

What we don’t have is a Constitutional right to force those people to shut-up or cease their behavior simply BECAUSE we’re offended.

But the rise of Political Correctness, coupled with various lawsuits and speech codes, has effectively created a veritable Word Police in our society. And everything said or done is apparently fair game for them to find a potential “offense”.

Yoda offended 333

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“Diversity”, and other examples of Intolerance from the oh-so “Tolerant” Left

Since we are in the middle of yet ANOTHER illustration of this, courtesy of the New Diversity Enforcers, we’re re-linking this post from a couple years back.

It’s rather depressing to see just how little has changed since then, …and that what HAS changed, is worse



Diversity has become a joke

What I mean by that is that diversity, as defined by the Left, is a joke. That’s because the Left has defined Diversity to mean only superficial or physical differentiations: race, skin color, gender or sexual orientation.

Yes, that is a type of diversity, but then they take it one step beyond. These differences are then brought and held together by stereotypical assumptions about who such individuals are and what they believe, solely BECAUSE of their race, skin color, gender or sexual orientation.

Which is a patently ridiculous (not to mention racist, sexist, and intolerant) view of diversity.


Conservatives have been pointing this out since what feels like the Beginning of Time, but still they persist. As a result, we’re compelled to continually highlight the Left’s unintentional irony and hypocrisy.

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