Tag Archives: liar

Obama “didn’t know” about #Spying? Or Healthcare.gov? Yeah. Sure. Whatever…

The #1 rule I learned in my early management days was about the critical nature of Trust. Being liked is overrated: you can be hated and still be wildly effective. But no matter how brilliant, or charismatic, or well-meaning you are, the day that your employees/co-workers/clients no longer trust you is the day your leadership is effectively over.

We have come, finally, to that day in the Obama Administration.

trust 955

Back in May and on the heels of his proclaimed ignorance of the IRS targeting of Conservative groups, I asked whether the president was a congenital liar, totally incompetent, or both (“The Many, Many, Many things the Obama Administration “…just didn’t know…” “). 

And today, we have our answer: it doesn’t matter. Because one explanation is as thoroughly debilitating to his now-shattered trust as the other: 

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Obama and the #IRS: “Do as we Say, NOT as we Do…”

WABAC machineGonna take you on a quick trip in the ‘Way-back Machine‘, so stick with me for a moment.


Back in 2009, I was Sales Manager for a Fortune 500 insurance company. President Obama had just begun his Class Warfare antics when, after passing his ill-advised stimulus and bailouts, he made this statement:

“You can’t take a trip to Las Vegas, or down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers’ dime…”

Even though the statement was supposedly directed at recipients of the Government handouts (TARP, etc.,..), when taken in the context of the political climate it rightfully terrified every executive in corporate America.

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Now Showing! at the Obama Scandal-plex: “The IRS, the AP, the DOJ and #Benghazi…”

Movie TicketAt this point, if every separate Obama Administration scandal was a movie, you’d need to rent out a couple of multiplexes to show them all.


And that’s just the CURRENT ones.

I’m actually in scandal overload. In U.S. history, I personally can’t recall such an overwhelming display of blatant corruption and abuse of power since possibly Louisiana Governor Huey Long in the 1930s. By comparison, Watergate and Teapot Dome don’t even come close, in scale or breadth.

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‘Credit’ for Deadbeat Nation

It’s no secret that I’m pretty critical of President Obama.

But in the spirit of being fair-minded, I sincerely try to give him kudos for anything he does which is positive. For instance, I certainly commend him for keeping ‘Gitmo‘ open (against his will, of course, but still...), and bombing the heck out of terrorists with our drones overseas, and ….hmmm, actually, that may be it.

Regardless, I still look every day to see if there is some new way, some how, where I can give Obama some credit, and yesterday I FOUND one!!!

Let me tell you about it…


Obama Deadbeat Nation

Like most of us, I was at work when the President spoke on Monday, so I didn’t get a chance to listen to his remarks or even read the transcript until late last night. I needn’t have bothered: I could have guessed at 85% of it in advance. It was deplorable in its entirety: a smug, supercilious man, repeatedly and brazenly lying to his audience (us) as he cast blame & aspersions onto everyone …but himself, of course.

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