Why is the Media ignoring the rampant Sexual Abuse in our Public Schools??


Here’s a test: just Google “teacher student abuse“. You’ll get millions of classroom statutory rape articles. If you Google “teacher student sex“, you get more… a LOT more.

Like this one:

(via WTSP News) – “…For the first time, we are hearing from the Polk County school district about a Lakeland teacher who, according to police, admitted to having sex with her 17-year-old student. 10 News has learned critical red flags may have been missed with Jennifer Fichter because the Polk County school superintendent said she falsified her employment application….”

Or like this one:

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But I was repeatedly told by the Left that this was Un-possible………..??


I’m so old, I remember when the Left informed us, ad nauseam, that we HAD to exclusively turn to Wind, Solar, and Hamster Turds for our power…..,  because we’d discovered all of the oil and gas we were ever gonna find.

It was framed as “common sense“, and “accepted wisdom”, and “science”.

…Especially “science“.

Remember that?

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This just in: Common Sense is NOT “#Racism”…

Darth - race is disturbing 9

***NOTE*** – We originally published this back a couple years ago, but the topic is (unfortunately) just as relevant as ever. Case in point: the professional race-baiters who fanned the flames of Ferguson & Baltimore, the newer #BlackLivesMatter agitators, the recent ginning-up of the Black Church Arson Hoax, and countless other incidents.

EACH was driven by those seeking to make things worse, rather than better, rendering actual DISCUSSION about race all but impossible.

Anyone would acknowledge that there are still a few despicable racists out there (e.g. Dylann Roof). But monsters like Roof are now the most extreme & infinitesimal fringe, the overwhelming exception to the 99.9999999% rule, with the outcry against them being both visceral and universal. Despite proclamations to the contrary, race is no longer a major detriment to one’s potential for success in America. Quite the opposite, as the recent (and hysterical) example of Dolezal, Rachel can attest. 

But our good ‘ol neighborhood Race Peddlers & Grievance Hustlers ain’t gonna fold up their tents just yet. Because the very topic which they so publicly rail against is the same one which has bestowed upon them ALL of their power, …and they won’t be giving it up anytime soon.



(*ORIGINAL POSTING: July 24, 2013)

Amazingly, they’re still at it.

As you’re no doubt aware, the current cause célèbre of the Race Industry (aka: “Big Racism”) is the alleged “racial profiling” of Trayvon Martin, even though the trial proved that no such racial profiling existed in that case. Regardless, this has been discussed endlessly by both CNN and the MSNBC gang, the aforementioned Race Hustlers, and of course the President himself.

But profiling (racial and otherwise) happens every day, to everyone. We ALL do it to one extent or another. Please consider a couple of examples to which I believe we can all relate….

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Assassinating The American Spirit Of Independence


An excellent, and flatly terrifying, account of the inculcation occurring in many of our schools, as well as a pretty good explanation for why Home Schooling is growing in popularity…


Politically Short


The American spirit has not yet been destroyed, but it cannot withstand the kind of relentless assault on its character that we are witnessing day after day. I cannot predict the form or timing of the catastrophe that will befall this country if our current direction is not changed and I don’t pretend to know what concatenation of crises, in what progression of steps and across what interval of years, will finally break the nation’s spirit.

What I do know is this much: My generation, the so called “millennials” and younger, have been indoctrinated into believing that the root cause of today’s present problems, whatever they may be, is due to America’s own history.

This indoctrination begins at a very young age as K-12 schools throughout our country have incorporated academic curriculum that teaches our children to hate their own country. To get a sense of the material being taught…

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‘THE BIRDS’ – Hitchcock’s 1963 classic is STILL as terrifying as ever…


We’re used to every sort of villain in movies: monsters of all types and descriptions, along with a plethora of serial killers, ghosts, pirates, vampires, gangsters, aliens, … It’s a lengthy, legendary list.

But the (seemingly) most benign Bad Guys ever were brought to the screen by Alfred Hitchcock in The Birds.

Although Tippi Hedren, Rod Taylor, Jessica Tandy, and Suzanne Pleshette all ostensibly star in this movie, to me the REAL stars will always be the title characters themselves: the birds, …and the unearthly sense of disquiet (or sheer fright) that they elicit.

Think about it. We see our avian friends constantly, all day long: at work, at home, and everywhere in between. That’s because the current human population of the United States is about 320 million, a number which pales in comparison to the estimated 10-20 billion birds with whom we are co-residents, and the 200-400 billion birds which exist worldwide.

We’re totally, utterly outnumbered. And yet we aren’t concerned, because birds aren’t dangerous.

…But what if they were???

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The End of Debate


“…In all my years I ain’t never heard, seen nor smelled an issue that was so dangerous it couldn’t be talked about. Hell yeah! I’m for debating anything…” 

– (Stephen Hopkins, ‘1776‘) 

Once upon a time, the art of debate was viewed as one of the most laudable aspects of American Society. It’s part of our national fabric, and our country was conceived almost solely as a result of prolonged and heated debate. Debate teams have been a constant in schools for ages, and the ability to winningly articulate one’s ideas is as central to our national identity as freedom itself. We even created our Congress as two parts with debate expressly in mind, with the Senate being the chamber where differing points of view could be thoroughly discussed by each state’s most esteemed intellects.

But today, the accepted virtue of Free Debate now seems hopelessly anachronistic.

(via Mark Hemingway at The Weekly Standard) – “…On his blog this morning, Roger Pielke Jr. at the University of Colorado, a respected climate scientist, reveals that he was one of seven academics being investigated by Rep. Raul Grijalva, the ranking Democrat on the House Committee on Natural Resources.

And the good professor’s supposed crime, which is suddenly in need of Congressional inquiry? Take a wild guess:

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Most of us have made this mistake, right? Okay, …maybe not EXACTLY this mistake.

Was trading stories from our youth with a buddy of mine the other day, and this one made us both chuckle.

Handing over the keys

My first job out of college was managing a car rental agency. The hours were long, but money was decent, plus I had my pick of any car in the fleet for my personal use.

However, it was a high-stress and highly frenetic job. We had the largest fleet in the district, and days could get pretty crazy. As a result, I was usually a bit desperate to make sure everything got done, but would occasionally forget who was supposed to have done what.

So on a typical day as I ran back into the building, I saw my assistant (and to this day, one of my dearest friends) Robert, going over a rental agreement with an elderly couple.

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FLASHBACK: Wasn’t #Obamacare gonna make Healthcare costs go DOWN by 3000%??

Obamacare Snake Oil

Lost among current concerns over the White House’s foreign policy “successes” is an issue much closer to home: the Affordable Care Act and its deleterious effect on our healthcare system, our economy and our nation’s psyche.

Maybe it’s just me, but I’m not seeing the term “Obamacare” used as much as I once did. Of course, that’s likely due to journalists’ desire to shield Obamacare’s namesake from news like this, from Investors Business Daily:

“…Forty-six percent of Americans now describe health costs as ahardship,” up from 36% in 2013…” 

A “hardship”, you say? Almost HALF of the country?

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The Many and Varied Experiences of the Amazing #BrianWilliams…

Frankly, we didn’t intend that the first post after our lengthy hiatus would be a humorous one. But last week’s Brian Williams kerfuffle inspired a good friend of ours, and these are simply too good not to share.

The following 16 images are courtesy of the talented-yet-slightly-warped mind of Tom Dowlin, who can be reached at his Facebook page (facebook.com/tom.dowlin) or by email (artezin@comcast.net).

And if you can come up with other ideas for “Where ELSE was Brian Williams?“, …or ANY graphic arts projects…, please feel free to drop him a line.



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