Obama gives Planned Parenthood money to promote Obamacare

obamacare screw 8

OBAMACARE is a disaster, but it’s only the most recent health-insurance-related disaster directly attributable to our Federal Government. Which is why, as a former Insurance Professional for close to 2 decades, this post resonated with me…..

A Heapin' Plate of Conservative Politics & Religion

By Tom Quiner

In a free marketplace, here is how insurance works:

• There are lots of licensed agents selling different types of coverage depending on your needs.

• These sales agents receive a commission on the policies they sell.

• They help clients sort out the multitude of choices they face so they can purchase a product tailored to their needs.

• Some companies set up “exchanges” that make it easy for prospective policy purchasers to “kick tires” and compare prices.

• Insurance companies aggressively advertise on television and other forms of media to gain more market share and educate consumers.

• Customers only purchase the coverage they need and can afford.

• Insurance premiums remain stable.

• Taxpayers are not involved.

• Insurance companies market their products across state lines.

I have just described the auto insurance industry.

Lots of licensed agents sell it. The airwaves feature ads…

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