Look (out) for the Union Label

One thing I’ve noticed (and you may have, too) is how unions are always portrayed by the media: unions are, without exception, good.  The companies? Oh, yeah, now THOSE are some serious bad guys! Movies as recent as North Country and Bread and Roses, or classic films such as Norma Rae and On The Waterfront (plus lots more) all show the same thing:

unions=sweetness-&-light; companies=evil/big meanies.

I could go chapter-and-verse on union tactics and strikes over the years (Union Relations was my major), but that would bore even me. Instead, let’s just look at a couple of their most recent activities.

From Businessweek.com:

A rule change by the National Labor Relations Board that allows for faster votes on union elections was thrown out by a federal judge who said the agency lacked a quorum when it approved the measure.

The rule change, challenged in court by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, simplified and shortened balloting at a time when the unionized share of the workforce is falling, according to labor relations consultant Phillip Wilson. The compressed schedule could have cut the time permitted for voting in half to as few as 15 days, Wilson said.

That’s ….curious.

I just can’t fathom why unions would want less lead time for employees to find out all of the goodies that being in a union holds for them. Heck, if being in a union is so totally awesome, why would it matter? Maybe because giving employees a little more time to review the facts does make a slight difference in how the voting tends to go:

Unions win 87 percent of elections held 15 days or less after a request, a rate that falls to 58 percent when the vote takes place after 36 to 40 days, according to a February report by Bloomberg Government.

I wonder why?


Next up: Unions working hand-in-hand with Big Daddy Government to get some free, federally enforced PR.

From the Daily Caller:

Last August, the National Labor Relations Board, which Obama packed with union lawyers from the private sector, issued a new rule requiring 6 million businesses to hang up posters advertising workers’ rights to organize.

The posters themselves read like a marketing campaign for unionization. Out of seven bullet points on the poster, the first six explain collective bargaining rights under the National Labor Relations Act, including the rights to strike and picket. ***Only the last point informs workers of their right not to join a union.


Under the rule, if an employer does not take the action of hanging up the sign, it is considered an “unfair labor practice,” even in the absence of any evidence that the business owner did anything coercive.

The unions are on somewhat of a bad run right now, because they lost this one, too.


The fact that the NLRB would attempt crap like this shouldn’t surprise anyone, certainly not after their attempted jihad on Boeing in South Carolina, which ended in somewhat of a draw. Obama implicitly approves of NLRB’s actions, since unions are a major part of his base. And the fact that you didn’t HEAR much about it means the media knows these were loser arguments. If they could have spun them as a positive, they would have. Count on it.

Add in the alliance that unions have forged with the Occupodos, and we can only guess at what they’ll come up with next. Both groups are looking for greater government intervention in every aspect of our lives, with the misguided notion that this somehow is a superior way to live.

Gotta admit, though: their sales pitch is tempting.

20 responses to “Look (out) for the Union Label

  1. JTR knocks it out of the park with this post. Unions—especially public employee unions—are a real touchy subject for me.

    And that’s sad, because once upon a time, unions had a real place and purpose in American society. My father was a proud union man–United Steel Workers of America. I’ve been a union member and I have supervised union employees. My all-time favorite episode of The Simpsons revolves around a power plant strike after Homer becomes president of the International Brotherhood of Jazz Dancers, Pastry Chefs and Nuclear Technicians (“Last Exit to Springfield;” season 4, episode 17/9F15).

    Unfortunately, unions have evolved into (at best) parasites that sap the lifeblood of companies and governments. At worst, they’re also hotbeds for criminal activity and radical “community organizing” of the type practiced by President Jugears before he was Affirmative Action-ized into his current position.

    This latest action by the NLRB is just one more example of the disdain this administration has for the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law. The board is simply trying to cram through a part of legislation commonly known as “card check” that was repeatedly shot down in Congress. Card check (in Democrat doublespeak, the “Employee Free Choice Act”) provided for fast-track union elections and also eliminated secret ballots, thus enabling organizers to see who was for/against them. So very fair and American.

    Thank goodness there are still federal judges out there who will apply the law, even if this proposed rule was tossed out on a technicality. I’m sure the Department of (In)Justice will appeal the decision all the way to the Supreme Court anyway.

    As for the second part of the post, I am for once (nearly) speechless. It is simply beyond outrageous that Big Brother would REQUIRE employers to post pro-union propaganda in their businesses.

    These people need to be stopped. Now. And even if that can be accomplished it’s going to take years to undo the damage they have already caused.

  2. justturnright

    I’ve had this one in the hopper for a while, Buckeye. Knew the NLRB decision was coming down, so I held it.

    For the record, I have TONS of respect for MANY union members, with several of my friends among them. The union LEADERSHIP is what has taken a necessary alternative back in the Industrial Age and transformed it into a blight on society. The Leadership then identifies a percentage of thugs, goons and brainwashed zombies from their membership, who then perform most of the chanting and mayhem.

    And now that they have cozied up to Big Daddy, they are more than a nuisance: they are a menace.

    • Agreed—it’s the old 80/20 rule in action, where 20% (or even less) of leaders and their hired goons cause 80% of the trouble. It’s also not right that union members who disagree politically with their leaders are forced to pay dues that are used to support candidates and causes antithetical to their beliefs. That’s why every state should be a right-to-work state.

      • justturnright

        Completely agree on that one, brotha. Let unions survive, without help from Uncle Sugar, and I have zero problem with ’em.

        I’ve seen some of the most asinine arguments for doing things that simply can’t/shouldn’t be done, yet it was the official union position. Then, when the company shutters the location/plant/whatever, they’re the ones crying, saying, “You can’t just leave! Why don’t we talk about it?”

        The playing field wasn’t level a hundred years ago.
        Now it is.
        Let ’em compete or close up shop.

  3. “…when the company shutters the location/plant/whatever, they’re the ones crying, saying, “You can’t just leave! Why don’t we talk about it?”

    Wow, I experienced that first-hand, as did my father. Both plant closures were the result of the company becoming fed up with recalcitrant union leadership and arcane work rules.

    And the playing field may even be tilted the other direction. Ask Chrysler bond holders about that one. They were left holding the bag while the UAW got an ownership stake in the company.

  4. justturnright

    It’s employment suicide, except the leadership doesn’t take the fall.
    The workers do.

    The pendulum IS swinging the other way, you’re right, Buckeye.
    To which I say:
    “Swing, baby, swing!!”

  5. livinrightinpgh

    Pittsburgh USED to have steel mills that employed THOUSANDS of people. Then union demands, unrealistic wages, benefits, and retirement plans caused the manufacturing to move elsewhere. It should be blatantly obvious that you can’t have people being paid to watch tv (General Motors) or sleep during their “shift” because there isn’t enough work to do in the plant, but by their contract they MUST be paid….and STILL stay in business.

    JTR’s reference to Boeing is a prime example of the abject STUPIDITY on the part of the administration. Let the MARKET decide.

    • justturnright

      Preach it Pgh!
      Compete, or die.

      Too many of the unions don’t WISH to compete, which is why they try to rig the game.

  6. Hatfield McCoy

    That federal judge made the correct ruling…but now will have to take care when starting his car from now on…

  7. What happens in Wisconsin shortly will be a harbinger. Just as the Scott Walker victory in Mass led the way to a Tea Party blowout in 2010, what happens in Gov. Walker’s recall vote will say much, more for the momentum it will create.

    • justturnright

      Very true, John.

      And since Wisconsin is already seeing the benefit of Walker’s policies, AND the D.N.C. has decided to withdraw further funding of the race, it’s looking pretty positive there for the Good Guys…..

      • Earlier this year the Teachers’ Union filed a posted a report of the status of schools and BURIED in it were the facts that this year the schools did better educationally and fiscally than last year, which was even better than the decade before.

        I am firmly convinced that most of the arguments are ours to win, if only we can thwart their misdirection, as you so aptly noted (I used to be a rather good magician myself).

        We know we have the facts. The yelling part I just do for fun.

        ROCK ON!

  8. Pingback: A More Perfect Union « Two Heads are Better Than One

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