Tag Archives: choice

The coming Horrors of Obamacare…

An excellent overview of the coming disaster which is Obamacare. We cannot, we MUST not, meekly “accept” it….

A Heapin' Plate of Conservative Politics & Religion

 By Tom Quiner

Newt Gingrich said it first: we’re going to need a ton of new doctors to accommodate the demands of Obamacare.

Quiner’s Diner is spending time on Obamacare this week because it is a reality. Last week’s election results suggest it will be around for awhile.

The reality, or perhaps unreality would be a better word, of Obamacare is setting in. For example, we’re not going to have enough doctors to do all the things the law demands.

A key point of Obamacare was to get more people health insurance. Some 42 million were uninsured depending on who you listened to. Obamacare won’t get them all insurance, but more will be insured.

That means we’re going to need more doctors.

But Obamacare doesn’t create more doctors.

It gets worse. It requires a long list of “free” preventative screenings in health insurance plans. To name a few …

  • “FREE”…

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